Calculate distance in Google spreadsheet | Winfred van Kuijk

Calculate distance in Google spreadsheet

By • Published: December 3, 2010 • Last updated: March 27, 2017 • Filed in: Software

Seeing “internal error executing the custom function”? Appears to be an intermittent Google issue. Try again later.
Using Mapquest as provider and seeing errors? Most likely monthly quota of requests is used. See background tab for details of limitations.

Distance calculator v3.2This post started as a description of how to use Google’s API for distance calculations (with importXML), and there was a template as a proof of concept.

It has evolved into a distance calculator spreadsheet with custom functions using either Google’s or Mapquest’s API, with the ability to add results to a trip log.

Fill out From and To locations and the spreadsheet will calculate the distance and driving time based on the recommended route. You can copy the result to a trip log. Google account required.

Read the background to learn more about the options and the limitations.
For issues or requests, write a comment or contact me directly.

Is this spreadsheet saving you time/money?
Feel free to make a donation, to me or your favorite charity.


Download the spreadsheet from the Google template directory.

December 2014: it is now possible to determine your current location. See release overview.
Got a minute? Do you mind rating the template?

Ready to go

The template can be used as-is:

  • Calculate driving/walking/bicycle distance & duration.
  • Add the results to a trip log. Great for preparing a road trip or your mileage report.
  • Quickly lookup an address for an attraction, or find out the latitude/longitude coordinates.
  • Specify a list of destinations and let the spreadsheet calculate the shortest route.
  • Get a list of turn-by-turn driving instructions.
  • When visiting multiple states/countries: see what distance/duration is spent in each.
  • Use either Google or Mapquest as the provider.

To use the template as-is: just open the template and enter the locations / settings.


The second way the template can be used: change it to your liking.
All functionality is provided using custom functions. Simple example:

A1: Paris
A2: Berlin
A3: =routeDistance(A1,A2)

In fact, you could use these functions in your own spreadsheet as well.
In that case: go to Tools > Script Editor… and copy the scripts (miscellaneous, google and mapquest) to your own spreadsheet.
Or the other way around: delete the sheets you don’t need and then copy the sheets from your other spreadsheet to this one.


When you use the template for the first time, it will ask for permissions.
This so the script can read + write your spreadsheet.
I have no access to your data. The only data that is transmitted is the data to Google/Mapquest to get the directions etc.




  • Google UrlFetch: is used to contact the Mapquest API. UrlFetch has a quota of 20,000 requests per day.
  • too many requests in a short time: the spreadsheet tries to deal with many simultaneous requests, but it is still possible to get a message “Service invoked too many times in a short time: urlfetch”.
  • custom functions: Mapquest has recently introduced usage limits. The spreadsheet uses a shared API key, good for 15,000 requests per month. Heavy user or error messages? You can create your own API key and put it in field E34 (hidden by default). I am working on a more elegant solution.
  • Mapquest has trouble calculating driving directions for a place in a pedestrian zone (e.g. “disneyland”), and in general the geocoding from Google is more helpful.
  • When you lookup an address, it is best to use one of the supported single-line location formats.


  • 2.1: experimental support for Mapquest, which has no daily limits. Requires free Mapquest developer account and application key.
    Unhide rows 29-57 and enter the Mapquest appkey. It supports the same functions as before, just add …_mq at the end. E.g. =routeDistance_mq(“paris”,”berlin”)
  • 2.2.1: has a new Mapquest function =routeCrossing_mq(). This was requested by a couple of users, display a table with the distance and duration per state/country. See functions tab for details.
  • 2.3: implementation of two user requests:
    1) asTheCrowFlies now uses locations =asTheCrowFlies(from, to, miles), for lat+lon parameters use =asTheCrowFliesLatLon(fromLat, fromLong, toLat, toLong, miles).
    2) you can specify what types to avoid. For Google: tolls, highways. For Mapquest: tolls, highways, seasonal, unpaved, ferries, borders. E.g. -=routeDistance(“berlin”,”paris”,,,”tolls,highways”) or =routeDistance_mq(“berlin, germany”,”paris, france”,,,”tolls,highways,ferries”). Note, the “avoid” parameter is after the “mode” parameter, for some functions this can mean the remaining parameters have shifted.
    note: v2.3 is the last version using the old version of Google Sheets. It will stay available but is no longer maintained. Use v3 or higher instead.
  • 3.0: major update:
    • Uses the new Google Sheets. It takes advantage of better formatting, conditional formatting and last but not least: autocomplete for custom functions and built-in help for function parameters.
    • Multi-location support. Either select a range of cells in the spreadsheet (e.g. A2:A6), or enter a destination separated by underscore, pipe or slash (e.g. “berlin/hamburg / hannover”).
    • Support for optimizing routes. Say you visit Paris, Berlin, Zurich and Amsterdam. The spreadsheet will suggest Paris, Zurich, Berlin, Amsterdam as it is 600 kilometers shorter.
    • Extra settings in the dashboard, no need to add them as parameters in the custom functions.
    • Better image support. It shows the waypoints, and the detailed route. The latest Google image API is used.
    • Better and transparent support for both Google and Mapquest. No need anymore for your own Mapquest key, it is built in. No need to switch custom functions (e.g. add _mq to the function name if you want to use Mapquest), just define what provider you want to use in the settings. Location lookup for Mapquest has improved, it now recognizes addresses, lat/lon locations, but also attractions. Easily switch between Google and Mapquest. Both have their pros and cons.

    Note: the custom functions have been changed quite a bit. As a result the parameters have changed since v2.3. See the built-in help for the latest syntax.

  • 3.1: if there are too many requests in a short period: add a delay and try again.
  • 3.2: implementation of user request: determine current location. Click on lat+lon or address button to copy the result to the active cell in the spreadsheet. Does not work in older browsers (including Internet Explorer 9). Available through new “Distance calculator” menu.
    Distance calculator - current location - annotated
If you use Google as the directions provider:
there is a daily limit of 2500 direction requests and 2500 location requests per user.
If you use Mapquest as the directions provider: 15,000 requests per month for the shared API key, you can use your own key. See background info.

The following functions are available in the template. They can be used as custom functions for a variety of distance calculation functions. For example: to calculate the distance, duration (driving/walking/bicycling), lookup an address (or only the zip code).

See the functions tab in the template for details.

function results
locationAddress full address (or only zip code) for searched location
zipAddress zip code for location
locationLatLon string with latitude + longitude combination of searched location
locationMapUrl URL of image showing a single location
routeMapUrl URL of image showing the departure and arrival locations
routeDistance distance between locations in miles or km
routeDuration duration between locations in minutes
routeSummary summary of route(s): which route, distance, duration
routeDirections table with direction steps
asTheCrowFlies as the crow flies (straight line) distance between locations
asTheCrowFliesLatLon as the crow flies (straight line) distance between coordinates
routeCrossing_mq Mapquest only. table with distance and duration per state/country


example result
=routeDistance(“paris”,”berlin”) 1048.172 [km]
=routeDistance(“paris”,”berlin”, “tolls|highways”) 1384.4 [km] – avoiding toll & highways
=routeDistance(“paris”,”berlin / zurich / amsterdam”,,true) visit Paris, Zurich, Berlin and then Amsterdam (=optimized route)
=routeDuration(“paris”,”berlin”)/60 573 [minutes]
=routeDuration(“paris”,”berlin”,,,,”bicycling”)/3600 51 [hours]
=locationAddress(“white house, washington”) The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Washington, DC 20500, USA
=locationAddress(“white house, washington”,”fr”) Maison Blanche, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Washington, District de Columbia 20500, États-Unis
=zipAddress(“white house, washington”) 20500
=locationAddress(“38.8976831, -77.0364972”) The White House, President’s Park, Washington, DC 20502, USA
=locationLatLon(“white house, washington”) 38.8976831, -77.0364972
=asTheCrowFlies(“white house, DC”,”times square, NYC”) 332.679816922244 [km]
=asTheCrowFliesLatLon(38.898,-77.036,40.759,-73.985) 332.679816922244 [km]
=routeCrossing_mq(“atlanta, GA”, “memphis, TN”) Georgia 57 miles, Alabama 190, Mississippi 118, Tennessee 16
This page gives details about using importXML, which was the original method of getting directions information. It has since been replaced by custom functions which directly access the API. Therefore, importXML is not really needed anymore. Will keep the instructions online in case you want to learn about importXML.

How to use importXML to get distance data from Google Maps in your spreadsheet?

In short:

  • create a URL that uses the Google Maps Directions API which returns XML output;
  • use the Google spreadsheets function importxml() to parse the XML file, and use an XPath command to extract the info you need.

Note:In the old version of Google Sheets there is a limit of 50x importXML in a spreadsheet.
It does not always work reliably, you then get #N/A.

Google Maps API for directions

Example URL:

Nice: no API key is needed. See results (unformatted XML output).


  • the Google Maps API for directions is well documented
  • in your spreadsheet point the origin=… and destination=… to spreadsheet cells that contain the origin and destination, the importxml() commands will be run every time you change the URL. Nice.
  • sensor=false: don’t use browser location sensor (required).

Some of the optional parameters:

  • units=metric: show km (alternative: imperial)
  • region=nl: country that should be used as default for origin or destination
  • language=nl: language to use for the results
  • alternatives=false: do not show alternative routes, only show the recommended one

The resulting XML file contains 1 route (or if you ask for alternatives: 1 or more), and for each route 1 leg (I am not using via waypoints), and each leg consists of steps (turn left at …, etc.).

Example parse commands

Assumed: the URL is created in cell B20.

The base command to use to get e.g. the distance (depending on your units used: in feet or meters):


The first argument is the URL, the second argument is the XPath command.

Show the start and finish (e.g. when using “brentwood” as origin, it will show: “Brentwood, TN, USA”)


The XPath predicate [1] and [last()] are used in case the route has multiple legs (in our examples they don’t)
Alternatively you could use the spreadsheet index() function:


Show the label of the preferred route (e.g. “A28 and A73”):


Calculate the distance of the preferred route:


The result of this field is always in meters, so we divide the result by 1000 to get kilometers, and we round it up.

And calculate the duration (the result is in seconds, so divide the result by 60 to get the minutes):


You can also ask for alternatives, assuming &alternatives=true is added to the URL (stored in B21), the same function that showed 1 route summary, now shows a list.
The spreadsheet automatically sees it is an array of results that need to be displayed.

Let’s calculate the average distance of the routes:


Average works fine with an array.
The spreadsheet will get confused if you try to perform a calculation on an array, but that is easy to fix using arrayformula().


The XML contains latitude + longitude information, each step of the route has a lat+long pair.
The lat/long of the start location can be found in the the first step of the route list.

=importxml(B20,"//leg/step[1]/start_location/lat") &" "& importxml(B20,"//leg/step[1]/start_location/lng")

The lat/long of the destination can be found in the last step of the route list, there’s an XPath predicate for that: [last()].

=importxml(B20,"//leg/step[last()]/end_location/lat") &" "& importxml(B20,"//leg/step[last()]/end_location/lng")

253 Responses to “Calculate distance in Google spreadsheet”

  1. winfred says:

    Thanks for all the nice feedback. The Google Template has been updated and now includes map images.

  2. Thomas Ralston says:

    Hi Winfred,

    Are you able to use 1 source location and tell the milage of several destinations? I am doing something that requires me to get the distance for several locations from 1 location. For example I have a starting zip code of 14612 and I have a colum of zip codes i need to see the distance all in one shot

    • winfred says:

      Hi Thomas,
      You would have to create a custom spreadsheet for that.
      A1: 14612 (your starting zip code)
      A2: 10019 (example of destination zip code)
      B2: ="" & A$1 & "&destination=" & A2 & "&sensor=false"
      C2: =importxml(B2,"//leg/distance/value")*0.621371192/1000
      A3: 14201 (another destination zip code)
      B3: copy from B2
      C3: copy from C2

      C2 shows the distance in miles. Copy row 2 as many times as you have destinations (max 50).

  3. Jason says:

    Thanks so much, I’ve just sent the email through your contact section of this site.

  4. Jason says:

    Winfred, your spreadsheet is amazing and your idea to create a script to log the trips was equally as brilliant. I was attempting to move some of the key cells the script is measuring into different locations to suit my “natural tendencies” in terms of how I like to enter the data and realized that the script wasn’t adjusting with me. Is it possible to A.) have access to the actual script to add to the button? This script is amazing in and of itself… spreadsheet aside. OR B.) amend the script to look to different cells to retrieve the data to be logged? I hope that makes sense… I’m not a programmer. Thanks so much for your creation.


  5. Thomas Ralston says:

    Is there way way to use this to track multiple zip codes from 1 main zipcode? I am trying to find the driving distances in an area from a central zipcode.

  6. erik says:

    (Hoi Winfred, of )
    Hi Winfred, your tool is really helpful! i’m trying to use it to calculate the distance between multiple destinations and i figured so far this is done through waypoints. I actually have a little bit of a problem with them, well, that is: the way i used these waypoints it doesn’t seem to work.

    This is what i’d done:
    a2, b2 and c2 are different locations.

    the result i get out if this is 0 km’s
    through: =sum(importxml(G2,”//leg/distance/value”)/1000,0)

    I hope it’s a not too big of a problem, and was hoping you to be able to correct me in this.

    Groeten Erik

    • erik says:

      I fixed one step. that is: waypoints=”&C2&”, and not what is mentioned above.
      looking at the xml results i noticed that i now have two legs, one extra for the additional waypoint.

      so =sum(importxml(G2,”//leg/distance/value”)/1000,0) is not working out, since i only ask for one distance value, while i actually need to sum two (that is one more for the additional legs). is there a way to sum these values with only one importxml function? I reckon not because of the total distance isn’t parsed back as a result.

      You probably noticed i’m not a programmer, so i once more ask for a ‘corrigerende tik’, and maybe a solution… 🙂

    • winfred says:

      Hallo Erik,

      Here’s a working example:


  7. nidele says:

    it look good for me but i have same hack to do…
    i have a sheet with two column: origin, destination
    about 500 row of address
    how can i modify your tool if the address are always in the cell b16

    • nidele says:

      sorry. with this tool can i found also the km and min for any kind of veichles (car, bus, bicycle, pedestrian)? and can i discover lat long of the two points?

      • winfred says:

        The API does support travel modes: driving, walking, bicycling. E.g. ...&mode=walking
        Good question about the lat/long, I have now added this as an example in the post above.

  8. jason says:


    I think this is exactly what I have been looking for, so thank you. One question I need to import a number of starts and stops from an excel spreadsheet. Can you give me a brief how to on that? I’m desperate I have to recreate a mileage log from 5year old records and doing them one at a time is driving me crazy. Thanks in advance.

    • winfred says:

      You would have to make a custom spreadsheet for that. But even then: you can only process 50 at a time.
      Assume you have start location in column A and the destination in column B. Now add to column C something like:

      And add to column D:

      Important restriction: you can only have importxml 50x in a spreadsheet.
      The nicest way of doing it would be to create a script for it (which eliminates that limitation), using the Google Apps Scripts.

      • michael says:

        HI Winfried, I have just the same problem right now – I have a bunch of starting/destination locations which I need to calculate distance for. I tried using the instruction above you gave to jason, but for some reason it does not work… Excel won’t insert the distance into field C1… It keeps informing me that the formula contains an error… The API works fine, I checked the googleapis link and it gives correct data, but I think there is something not right with the importxml function you said to copy into column D… Or I’m doing something wrong?

        • winfred says:

          Hi Michael, the example I gave had an incorrect period at the end, I fixed that now. You say Excel, just to be sure: importxml is specific for Google spreadsheet. In the example spreadsheet I have added a tab with 2 quick examples of using multiple addresses. Hope this helps!

          • michael says:

            Thanks so much! Now it’s working. I only have one last small thing. The distance is diplayed like this: 354.768. Any way of skipping the value that goes after .? I’d like to just have the “354” in the column.

          • winfred says:

            Sure, just use the standard Google format functions. E.g. Format > Number > Rounded

  9. David Wilson says:

    Is it possible for the out put to show miles in each state for US? For example, Memphis, TN to LA, CA the result would show the total miles as now plus the miles in each State?

  10. Johan says:

    Very useful, thanks!
    the only problem I face, is that google limits the number of imports to a hundred. For my purpose I need more. I can expand but Google API premier is quite expensive. So my only hope is that Google will change their policy.

  11. Eric says:

    You might be a genius, dude.

  12. Sean says:

    Nice work. I put together a template for a cross-country (US) road-trip a couple of years ago but I hacked a distance formula by parsing an html page. The XML is *much* nicer and it was very easy to update my spreadsheet. Thanks for posting.

  13. Gary says:

    How do you change the units from metric? I would like my results in miles.
    Thanks, Gary

  14. Tim says:

    Looking for a way to extract the zip from the =index(importxml($B$16,ʺ//leg/end_addressʺ),1) results. Do you know of any way to do this. The destination is just keyed as city and state. The results show the zip code. I need a way to just extract the zip code.

  15. Todd Higley says:

    Thank you for building this. It works really well. I am using it to track the mileage I use which is not reimbursed by my company, and it helps me in getting a mileage deduction on my taxes.

    But I’ve wondered if there is a cleaner way to do this.

    You see, I use 2 columns: START END
    Under START, I type in my starting address. Under END I type in my ending address. But I go to 3 addresses a day, so there are 4 lines per day (A to B, B to C, C to D and D to A).

    With 4 lines per day (minimum of 4 importXML commands) I hit the 50 command limit very quickly.

    Is there a script that could be used to run the importXML command on each column, and return the mileage value without having to keep so many commands in the spreadsheet?

    Let me know.

    Todd Higley

    • winfred says:

      Hi Todd, Was thinking about this as well, it’s doable using a script, where you copy the results to the bottom of a list on a separate sheet. Have not found the time to create the script though.
      So, until that time you’ll have to copy the results manually. 🙁

      • andrew says:

        Hi, have you created this script? I am trying to do exactly the same thing, but not being able because my programming knowledge is not that good. Thanks in advance!

        • winfred says:

          Your question was exactly the trigger I needed to work on this. Good news: I have added a button that copies the results to a separate log sheet. Enjoy!

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